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Join Us for
Land Stewardship Days!
We're seeking volunteers to help remove invasive Japanese Honeysuckle. Please join us for one (or more) scheduled work party days, taking place on the second Sunday of every month, April through November, 9am to 12 noon.
The land is populated by many native species of plant life, and Glen Helen would like to keep it that way. Japanese Honeysuckle displace native species by outcompeting native plants for light, space, water, and nutrients. This can lead to the collapse of native species in the vicinity, further decreasing the natural diversity of the nature preserve.
Through fall, the land stewardship team will focus on a 35-acre area in the South Glen, located at 3450 Grinnell Road, Yellow Springs.
Volunteer for an hour, a day, or as often as you'd like. We appreciate your support! Tools and supplies provided by Glen Helen. Volunteers are asked to bring their own work gloves and wear closed-toe, sturdy shoes (work boots/hiking boots preferred for your protection.) Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older and registration is required. Individuals and organizations interested in participating in the eradication project are asked to contact Ann Simonson at 937.769.1902.
Participants often develop a symbolic ownership with the areas in which they have provided ecological restoration and health. Volunteers learn how to heal the land, rehabilitate degraded and damaged ecosystems, and reconstruct locally extinct plant communities. Restoring and managing natural areas to better represent the diversity of life, once native to the area, serve to enrich outdoor learning experiences for visitors and students of all ages, and these efforts help drive the natural sustainability of the forest for generations to enjoy.
By removing invasive species, stewards are restoring the ecosystem to support biodiversity and create a healthy environment where mindful visitors can experience and learn about the natural environment.