The Great
Garlic Mustard Challenge
Glen Helen hosts a special four hour event to remove invasive garlic mustard (alliaria petiolata) from areas along the Innman Trail. Garlic mustard is an invasive weed that can out compete and smuther beneficial native species. As a part of the ongoingrestoration of the Glen, we seek to remove large amounts of the weed during the Great Garlic Mustard Challenge.
9am - 12pm
March 28, 2015
Teams of volunteers will compete to remove the largest amount of garlic mustard from the trail. Removal tools and bags are provided. Please dress appropriately for the weather/conditions. Work gloves are suggested.
You can help us accomplish our goal!
Families, businesses, and community organizations are encouraged to participate. * This event will help you achieve service hour requirements.
The removal effort will take place within the 1000 acre nature preserve, located at 405 Corry Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387; 1 to 5 acres of land will receive intensive focus during this one day event.