Advertise in the Glen Helen Wall Calendar
Connect with key customers while showing your support for Glen Helen
The Glen Helen Wall Calendar features 12 months of stunning photos, highlighting the natural beauty of Glen Helen Nature Preserve.
An annual tradition, this popular gift calendar has a distribution of 1,500 copies within the region. Advertisements are featured on the inside, back cover of the calendar.
The deadline for advertisement submissions is 5 pm,
Friday, June 30, 2017.
Ad Size B&W Cost Full Color Cost
1/3 Page Horizontal $350 $425
1/3 Page Vertical $350 $425
1/6 Page Vertical $225 $275
1/12 Page Horizontal $150 $175
Ad Assembly (optional) $25 $25
* Download an Ad Order Form for more information or to place an ad
Photo By: Scott Stolsenberg